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1. XOR解码在线计算器

xor是异或,英文为exclusive OR,缩写成xor。异或(xor)是一个数学运算符。它应用于逻辑运算。异或的数学符号为"⊕",计算机
/goju/10829.html - 2021-01-19 - 实用工具

2. 在线颜色取色器(6x6x6 = 216 colors)

function to_decimal(hex){if(hex=='F')return 255;if(hex=='C')return 204;return(hex/3)*51;}function boxcolor(c){docume
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3. 聚脂电容(polyester capacitor)特点及色码

聚脂电容(polyester capacitor)特点及色码,
/goju/10380.html - 2021-01-05 - 实用工具

4. 在线word转换为html

/web/10246.html - 2020-12-31 - 网页设计资源

5. 卫星链路预算计算器|Satellite Link Budget Calculator

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6. 带状线计算工具 | Strip Line Calculator

带状线计算工具,Strip Line Calculator,
/goju/10227.html - 2020-12-31 - 实用工具

7. Chord AB和Apothem OE计算公式

Chord AB和Apothem OE计算公式
ED = Radius AO-Apothem OE
角度AOE =反正切(AE / OE)
中心角AOB = 2•角度AOE
/geometric/8609.html - 2020-09-05 - 几何图形公式

8. 关于风力分级,国际气象组织采用蒲福风级法(Beaufort scale),分级的公式

关于风力分级,国际气象组织采用蒲福风级法(Beaufort scale),分级的公式如下:其中V 是风速(公尺/秒),B 是风级。现在有一飓风,气象组织公告其风力为9 级风(称为烈风),问:此飓风的风速
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make friends online make friends with foreigners make friends in china,. If you want to make friends, you have to do something for others - something that takes time, energy, thoug
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10. online calculator basic

free online calculator scientific-Calculation Results Storage District,the root of n-free

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